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Reviews for Blossom Flowers Chorlton, Manchester

At Blossom Flowers Chorlton Ltd we care passionately about customer satisfaction and for this we work tirelessly to deliver beautiful fresh flowers every day. Our latest reviews have been received via our membership with Direct2florist. Each review has been verified by Feefo. Feefo is an independent review specialist and they ensure only customers that have placed an order may leave a review.

Great service, and lovely flowers Thank you


Mr Johnson - D2f Review

30th Sep, 2023

Thank you


Mrs Hrobonova - D2f Review

16th Sep, 2023

What can I say, My daughter has just sent me a photo of her flowers They are absolutely beautiful! Thank you Blossom Flowers


Miss Sansam - D2f Review

5th Sep, 2023

Lovely flowers


Mrs Whiteside - D2f Review

23rd Aug, 2023

Arrived on time. Bouquet was absolutely stunning. My sister loved them.


Mrs Steinmetz - D2f Review

24th Jul, 2023

Stunning flowers thank you for being so obliging


Mrs Wyatt - D2f Review

12th Jul, 2023

polecam te kwiaciarnie


Mrs Skotnicka - D2f Review

17th Jun, 2023

The bouquet was very well arranged and-resented. The flowers were in perfect condition and the delivery was on time.


Mr Brook - D2f Review

9th Jun, 2023

Stunning flowers, delivered locally with excellent prompt service.
Will definitely use again, thank you.


Feefo Review - Verified

2nd Jun, 2023

First time using blossom flowers, as a e always used a local competitor. And oh my goodness I am astounded with the style quality and ease of ordering too. You???ve got a new loyal customer now. The bouquet is huge given the price. Feel like I was really being shortchanged with the old florist I used now I???ve used blossom. Thanks so much.


Mrs Parker - D2f Review

12th May, 2023